It was a chance I took while traveling in Switzerland with my, then, significant other: I remembered that my friend, fraternity 'brother' and college room-mate lived somewhere in Switzerland. We were in Zurich at the time and I took a chance on finding him using the telephone directories. He was there. In Geneva. We reconnected and in time discovered our mutual interests, a main one being art and especially the need to do something with his father's sculpture, which was gathering moss. We planned to renew interest in his father's work--his father had been a major sculptor in Paris, a close personal friend of Gertrude Stein and her circle of artists. The plan was to write a book, which became my first writing and publishing event. It was in the year 1991 that the book was released. There followed many others, now totalling 45 with more on the way.
The Books:
1. The Life and Work of Michael Brenner, 1885-1969,
ISBN 0-9630085-0-1, Published 1991.
2. Michael Brenner Exhibition Catalog, 1989

3. Songs My Father Never Sang, ISBN 0-9630085-1-X, 1995.

4. One Hundred Drawings, Selected Work, Michael Brenner and
James Spitzer, 1996 (Exhibition Catalog)
5. Rural Monuments, Poetry of E. J. Howe, 2006

6. 12 Bar Blues, Poetry of Jack Leissring,

7. Fifth Petal, Poetry of E. J. Howe, 2008

8. Selected Drawings; From the collection of J. C. Leissring
Fine Art, ISBN 978-0-9630085-4-1, 2008

9. Selected Woodcuts, From the Collection of J. C. Leissring
Fine Art, ISBN 978-0-9630085-5-8, 2008

10. The Story Teller, New Poems of E. J. Howe,
ISBN: 978-0-9630085-8-9, 2010

11. Winter Landscapes, Seasonal Landscapes by Jerrold Ballaine,
Exhibition Catalog, ISBN 978-0-557-39087-8, 2010

12. Winter Trees, Selections from Recent Seasonal Paintings,
Jerrold Ballaine, ISBN: 978-0-9630085-6-5, 2010

13. Piet Mondrian, A Brief Examination of an Artist's Life, 2010

14. Art and Letters, Love and Desire, Ellen Koment and
Jack Leissring, ISBN:978-0-9630085-7-2, 2010

15. Jacques Villon, Jacques Villon in the Collection of Jack Leissring, ISBN: 978-0-9630085-1-0, 2011

16. Color in Three Dimensions, The Sculpture of
Jerrold Ballaine, 2011

17. Brenner-Brenner-Brenner-Brenner, Poems of Joseph Brenner, Drawings of Michael Brenner, ISBN: 978-1-105-19379-8, 2011

18. Jacques Villon, Cubist Work on Paper in the Collection of
Jack Leissring, ISBN: 978-0-9630085-0-3, 2013

19. Northmarch-Acrenemar, A Novel of Wizardry and Adventure, Heather McDonald, Matt Leissring, ISBN 978-1-300-28300-3, 2011

20. A Question of Mirrors, J. C. LEISSRING, USA - Frank P. Plume, UK, Mirari Press (USA), 2012

21. Maria de los Angeles, A Chronicle of Work, 2010-2013

22. Jerrold Ballaine, Book One, ISBN 978-0-9630085-9-6

23. Jerrold Ballaine, Book Two, ISBN 978-0-9908931-0-3

24. Dean Meeker, ISBN:978-0-9908931-1-0

25. Morning Doodles, To quiet the noise, Jack Leissring,
ISBN: 978-0-9908931-2-7

26. Essays of David Vestal: A Vade Mecum
Copyright Jack Leissring (Standard Copyright License)

27.John Cother Webb, Master of Mezzotint
ISBN 978-0-9908931-3-4

28.Nurturing American Art: Brenner, Coady and The Soil
ISBN: 978-0-9908931-4-1

29.Carson Bowler and my romance with Design
ISBN: 978-0-9908931-7-2

30.The Mystique of Metaphysics, Aristotle to Frankfurt
ISBN: 978-0-9908931-7-2

31.Sculpture: a Half-Century of Bronze
ISBN: 978-0-9908931-7-2

32.Funk in a New Groove: a Half-Century of 3 dimensional Painting by Jerrold Ballaine
ISBN: 978-0-9908931-7-2

33.Lyrics for the Labyrinth: Poems of Discontent
ISBN: 978-1-7356226-1-3

34.A Philsophy of Science-After 65 Years
ISBN: 978-1-7356226-1-3

35.Roger Barr: Painter, Sculptor, Draftsman
ISBN: 9781735622637

36.Funk in a Newer Groove-II: A Half-Century of 3 Dimensional Painting by Jerrold Ballaine
ISBN: 978-1-7356226-4-4

37.The Marriage of Fanny Brenner
ISBN: 978-1-7356226-6-8

38.Legacies Leissring
ISBN: 9781735622675

39.Ellen Koment: The Internal as the External
ISBN: 9781735622682

40.Songs Too: Formalin is the Final Solution
ISBN: 9781735622699

41.James Spitzer: A Celestial Comedy
ISBN: 978-1-7356226-5-1

42.Warrington Colescott: Oracle of Hollandale
ISBN: 979-8-9891705-0-0

43.A Lorenzian Tale
ISBN: 979-8-9891705-0-0

44.Michael Costantini: Transformations
ISBN: 979-8-9891705-2-4


46. Allusions and Intuitions