
Pool House-1972

Who knows why we do things? For some reason I decided we needed a swimming pool, but, since we lived in the "woods," the problem of keeping the pool clean would be continuous, besides, I was never much of a "sun" person. So I decided the best solution would be to have an indoor pool. To that end, I designed and built a house around the pool, which was pretty small anyway--only 18 feet in diameter and 6 feet deep at the deepest. The house I designed included a sauna, pool heater, hot tub and heater/filter, bathroom and so forth. Here is what it looked like as it was emerging from the plans:

pool house-1

and another view:

pool house-2

The plans:

pool house-plan

pool house-section

Finally a view through the trees duing construction. I never did see the final product for the "big D" intervened and I left.

pool house-3